Thursday, November 8, 2012

What if Obama Signed a 7 Year Peace Treaty With Israel - Right Now?

I was listening to a sermon by Larry Phillips recently titled The Mark of the Beast - A Literal Mark (Note: this is a recording of a church service and the sermon begins in the middle of the recording).   Mr. Phillips made an interesting comment. He said that as things begin to wind down,  people's eschatology will change.

What he meant by that, I think, is that as the time of our Lord Jesus' return gets closer and closer, many of the things in the scriptures pertaining to the end times will start to become clear to believers.

 I have held to Reformed Theology for over 30 year, and am totally convinced that the doctrines set forth in the Reformed Creeds faithfully reflect the teachings of scripture (see my post The Five Points of Calvinism).

But when it comes to eschatology- the doctrine of last things - I make no promises. I used to own a set of John Calvin's commentaries and I have often wondered why he did not write a commentary on the book of revelation. Someone once told me that John Calvin admitted that he did not understand that book and that is why he didn't write a commentary on it. I don't know if that is the case, but I admit it is so with me.

I am absolutely convinced that our Lord Jesus will return one day. I think it will be soon, but Jesus made it abundantly clear that no man knows the day or hour of his return. But many of the details of his return - details which other Christians seam to have all figured out - I am still in the dark over.

For example, I am not sure whether the Bible teaches that the Antichrist will be a literal man who is indwelled by the devil during the last days, or something else.  I tend to think the Antichrist will be a literal person.

And the Mark of the Beast. I know many Reformed people who are totally convinced that the Mark of the Beast is not going to be a literal mark.  I don't know. I tend to see it as literal.

And Israel.  I totally agree with the Reformed confessions that the true Israel is the church, the bride of Christ. And everyone who will every be saved - from Adam onward - is a member of the true Israel. But at the same time I can't look over in the Middle East and not marvel at what God has done in preserving the physical Israel. I hope I will see in my life time massive Israelites turning their back on Judaism, and accepting our Lord Jesus Christ as the true Messiah.

But I thought it was interesting when I heard Larry Phillips say that many Christians eschatology would change as we got closer to our Lord's return. And I wondered how Christians would react if President Obama all of the sudden signed a 7 year peace treaty with Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu (which, according to the authors of the Left Behind series, marks the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period leading up to our Lord Jesus Return!).

Food for thought!

And while I don't endorse everything that is taught in the left behind novels or books, I think that this is especially a good time to encourage people to watch and/or read them!

Recommended Viewing

Left Behind: The Movie
Left Behind: Tribulation Force
Left Behind: World at War

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)