Monday, August 5, 2013

Conscientious Objector: "I Hereby Resign in Protest Effective Immediately!"

I Hereby Resign in Protest Effective Immediately | Common Dreams:

"I have always believed that if every foot soldier threw down his rifle war would end. I hereby throw mine down."

Someone once said: "If we make ourselves sheep, the lions will eat us!" I'm not a pacifist. I believe there is such a thing as a "Just War." I just don't think America has been involved in a "Just War" since World War II. And espceally today, when even the Ultra-liberal New York Times says President Obama has lost all credibility, I think Americans should be very cautious about going to war.

Recommended reading (my post):

Patriotic Songs for July 4th, 2013

Recommended sermon:

When Government Tries to Be God, by Dr. David P. Murray

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)